Dragonlords (Joanne Bertin)

Dragonlords are a race of people in Joanne Bertin's novels The Last Dragonlord and Dragon and Phoenix. They have both dragon and human souls, being able to change between the forms almost at will. Each Dragonlord has a marking,some physical characteristic which will carry through to their dragon half.

List of known Dragonlords

Jessia (dragon name unknown); The Lady of Dragonskeep. Her Marking is albinoism.
Kelder Oronin; The Lady's soultwin.
Keif Shaeldar; One of the three Dragonlords sent to Cassori to sit in the regency council. Soultwin to Tarlna Aurianne. His Marking is six fingered hands.
Tarlna Aurianne; One of the three Dragonlords sent to Cassori to sit in the regency council. Soultwin to Keif Shaeldar. Her Marking is a withered right leg.
Lleld Kemberaene; Soultwin to Jekkanadar Surael. Her Marking is her height, no taller than a ten year old child.
Jekkanadar Surael; Soultwin to Lleld Kemberaene.
Lindan Rathan; the eponymous and main character of The Last Dragonlord. The third dragonlord to sit in the regency council. Soultwin to Maurynna Kyrissaean. His Marking is a wine coloured birthmark on his face.
Maurynna Kyrissaean; Former sailor. Soultwin to Linden Rathan. Her Marking is mismatched eyes, one blue one green. Merlet Kamenni; Sulae Shallanan; Formally from Assantik. Soultwin to